From: Neil Foster <>
Date: 27/07/2011 00:15:46 UTC
Subject: ODG- Party case submissions for appeal to High Court of Australia

Dear Colleagues;
This is just a note about something that may be of interest to others which I have just noticed. It seems that the High Court of Australia is now making available the parties' submissions on appeals on the official HCA website- see . This may have been there previously, but I had missed it. There are currently, for example, two very interesting cases under consideration by the Court on causation issues in tort, the appeals in Amaca v Booth and Strong v Woolworths, and the competing written submissions are available and make very interesting reading.
Neil Foster

Neil Foster
Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Deputy Head of School
Newcastle Law School
Faculty of Business & Law
MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931